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King was born in Uganda and raised as a Canadian. He studied and graduated the animation program at sheridan college and furthered his knowledge into game and 3D artistry.


Scene Stealing #2

The Master. Why this flilm? Simply put, I liked the look, not much more. Pretty much the only thing that I took away from this one was the photography. Similar to Pear Harbor(soo pretty) it looked like a glamorous moving calender cut out of that genius looking 40-60 period in the west. From the cuffed jeans and white shirts to the red lipstick and the contrast filtered color grading. A few scenes stand out, particularly...
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Cupid's pen

Quick seasonal romance commission I was coerced into completing over the weekend. I'm always up for playing the role of cupid. Always been a fan of Marcos Chin's work and in this case I was very much influenced by his one piece. I wasn't given much liberty here I must say, but I gave it a slight personal touch. I hope it worked out for the love stuck individual. -Ki...
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Dianna Agron Portrait

 ...haven't done one of these in a while One of my goals with this was a pink fleshy palette. I read somewhere that argons colors were pink and purple (I read a lot of stuff actually, I couldn't stop), so I looked to one Andy Warhol for guidance on how to get this done. Pushing this flat bold style I found a base that I could build off of. Thankfully Dianna’s hair is blonde so I knew I’d have a good balance...
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Scene Stealing #1 Old Boy

After completing my Sabbatical into 3D. Taking a little time to use my 2D art skills before they fall into complete entropy, or was that atrophy, is a must. I need to brush up on the vocabulary as well. Back to my favorite past time, which includes watching visually engaging films with a pencil in one hand and a bowl of cereal in the other. Last night it was the Korean film Old Boy. It sells itself and if you haven't seen...
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3D anim assignment dump

A couple of 3Ds Max animation assignments I'm finally getting around to posting now that I'd have some time to fiddle with them. Game design is wonderfully hard and filled with many different avenues, yet I find myself most at enjoying the animation aspects. Sadly, that means it will receive the least of my time from now on. At any rate here are two of our early assignments I managed to collect. The first being the rudimentary...
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Representing District 09 in the Hunger Games

I found the time to sketch this piece in during a particularly long render wait. It's self explanatory. A prawn from district 9 marked as tribute. Considering Hunger Games is all about poor districts, there is no district more impoverished than the South African ghetto occupation of District 9. As for the Hunger Games as a film. I found the first half was very well made, however, the second half was completely amateur,...
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Zack Snyder Watchmen Analysis (video)

Been busy with work and haven't had a chance to upload any art worth uploading. Plans are being planned however. In the meantime I quietly work on my various film projects and pitches(yes) well into the darker hours of the night. I figure that's no excuse to embargo my presence from my humble blog space. Whist I prepare some future posts I wanted to share this awesome video analysis I happened upon not too long ago. A youtube...
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Nicki Minaj Portrait

 Haven't done one of these in a while.  Too busy not just with work but with a different nature of work. However that did stop my brother from all but threatening my life last week. Apparently he was off to meet miss Minaj at her first Toronto show date by wa of a little back stage meet and greet. I figured of all the reasons to do one of these, the celeb in question seeing the work in person would be one...
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Too Close to the TV

Mother always said not to. She never said why though. The concept here being an obvious one, taking an urban myth and mixing it with some kinetic energy and movement. Initially the kid had both hands on the couch with the remote in the air. I felt that gave me the highest n.r.g. to image ratio, but the communication didn't quite work. Not enough cause and effect. The Final -Kin...
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