About Me

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King was born in Uganda and raised as a Canadian. He studied and graduated the animation program at sheridan college and furthered his knowledge into game and 3D artistry.



This past summer I did some work for the visions of science society(some of which is on this blog)

For their annual magazine they gave me the honor of working on the cover.
The running theme being the phoenix rising

I did tons of sketching(I would post them but they didn't survive my frustration)
and i ended up with this Portrait...i figured why not, i haven't done a portrait in a while.

I wanted him cropped and very low on the page for one something rises its better if it starts off low...
the flames convey the compositional movement in the desired direction and thus objective is accomplished.

The bird itself is a mix of breeds for the phoenix is borderline mythic, I actually used my cats eyes just to add that extra sense of abnormal, plus cats eyes are the most piercing i find.



Dan at: February 24, 2009 at 10:14 a.m. said...

awesome eagle/phoenix, i like your mark and use of colours. Is this done in oil pastel?


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