Back in and around 2002 a friend commissioned me to do a recreation of a painting he cherished from his childhood At the time, I had just decided to follow art as a lively hood, so it was an awkward yes.
The original piece done by Barnes was(is) such a power house composition of life and movement, and his touch is so golden, i knew i was in for a headache as well as a learning experience
to this day his work inspires me. I remember sitting in the building laundry room* for about a month working on this (what I used to think was huge) 18x30 piece of illustration board day in and day out...with the completion of each character i felt a personal triumph over a facet of my own self doubt.
The next year i was off to Sheridan to do something art related...something that involved moving bodies expressively...
I also decided pencil crayon and marker were kinda lame, so for my next piece i gave something called pastel chalk a try...
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